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ALGEBRA ALGEBRA Sol. (3) **+ 4y + z-2x - 4y - 22+ 3 = 0 * - 2x + 1 + 4y - 4y +1+2 - 22+1 = 0 >>(x-1)2 + 2y - 1)2 + (2-1)2 = 0 X-1=0x=1 2y-1=0=y= 1 2 Z-1=0=2=1 1 .: *+y+z=1+-+1=2 2 2 Note : If the sum of squares of real numbers be zero, then each number is equal to zero i.e. te to y + z = 0 3x=0, y = 0, 2 = 0 25. If (x + y + 2) = 0, then the value of * (y + 2) + V (2+ x + 22 (x + y) + 3xyz is : (1) 0 (2)-1 (3) 1 (4)2 Sol. (1) (** (y + 2) + xyz) + (y (2 + x) + xyz) + (22 (x + y) + xyz) x(x + XZ+ z) + y zy +x+xz) + 2{zx+ 2y + x) } {x + y + z) (x + yz+zx) 0x (xy + y2 + x) = 0 26. If a = b + c b = a + c; c= a + b then the value of 3 zlat1 bt1c1) 1 C+ + b 1 ch ...
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