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force. 2 Testais equal to: () INA (6) INAU o nam whm² 6) Ampere's law 10) Len's law (6) Gruss's las (9) Speed c) Direction (d) All of these voor PsicPostcarter Series (Special Edition 2021) Intermediate Part 11 (al Mollecting o Deflecting (c) Restoring (4) Gravitational 22. The magnetic force is simply a (c) 1 Nm 21 The mathematical expression (EAL), alls known as: (d) Faraday's law 25 The magnetic field acts on a charged particle so as to change is: (b) Energy 24. A current carrying coll placed in uniform magnetic field experience maximum torque when angle between plane of coil and magnetic field is: (b) 45° (c) 60° (d) 900 21. Magnetic field B = (401-18) Wome passes through a (5.0 k) me area. Net flux through the area | 90x10*WW (C) 90 Wb (d) Zero ) Control the number of wave b) Control the brightness of spot formed ples Accelerates & focus the beam yg Magnetic force on a moving charged particle is perpendicular to the: (a) At negative potential w.r.t cathode (b) Magnetic field f) Velocity o particle 30 Force on a moving charge in a uniform magnetic field is: Car Magnetic field & velocity of particle (b) 18xL Vet q»B (d) 90XV AMBITIOUS ACADEMY WORK SHEET CHAPTER-15 !: A magnet is allowed to fall through a metallic ring. During fall, its acceleration is: (a) Less thang (b) Equal to (e) Greater thang (d) Equal to 28 2. The devices in the circuit that consume electrical energy are known as: (a) Dissipaters (b) Generators Veyload (d) Motors t. In alternating current. Inductors bebave Ilke: (9) 20 W 28 The anode in CRO: (a) Electric field (a) La LAHOK ...
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