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Inferinediate Part-1 Physics Postmortem Series (Special Edition 2021) 4. Find the capacitance required to construct a resonance circuit of frequency 1900. KHz with an inductor of Small AMBITIOUS ACADEMY QUESTION LIST UNIT-17 THEORETICAL: 1. Discuss Strain energy in deformed materials & calculate its energy relation (IMI") 2. Discuss Hysteresis Loop & its main features in detail 3. Explain conductors semiconductors and insulators on the bases of energy band theory. (INIP) Explain magnetic properties of solids. Describe thic types of magnets. NUMERICALS: 1. A 1.25 cm diameter cylinder is subjected to a load of 2500 kg. Calculate the Pascal (IMI") 2 A 1.0 m long copper where is subjected to stretching force and its length increnses by 20 cm. Calculate the tensile strain and the percent elongation which the wire undergoes. (IMP) 3. What stress would cause a wire to increase in length by 0,01ir the Young's modulus of the wire is 12x10" Pa What force would produce this stress. If the dinneter of wire is 0.56 mm? AMBITIOUS ACADEMY QUESTION LIST UNIT-18 THEORETICAL: 1. Define rectification & discuss Half and full-wave rectification. (INT) on the bar in mega VOETPORE ...
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