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Intermediate Pan-1 Physics Postmortem Series (Special Edition 2021) AMBITIOUS ACADEMY QUESTION LIST UNIT-14 THEORETICAL: 1. Calculate Torque due to a curent carrying coil. 2. Deſne & explain working of C.R.O, also write its uses (IMP) 3. Calculate Force on a moving charge in magnetic field. State Ampere's law. Calculate the magnetic field due to current carrying solenoid. (IMP) 5. Define Lorentz force. Discuss the determination of elm of an electron. (IMP) NUMERICALS: 1. A power line 10m high carries a current 200A. Find the magnetic field of the wire at the ground? 2. What current should pass through a solenoid that is 0.5 m long with 10,000 turns of copper wire so that it will have a magnetic field of 0.4 T? DEM WYLATOR ...
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