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Intermediate Pan:11 2 xill. l'hysics l'osimorter Series (Special Edition 2021 4. * A 10 mH, 20 n. coil is connected across 2401" and 180 x H: Source How much power it disipures Find the value of current flowing through a capacitance o S pF when connected to the 05 source of 50V ar 50H: Find the capacitance required to construet a resonance circuit of frequency 1000 kHz nila un inductor of 5 ml xii. At what frequency will an indrector of 1.0 H have a reactance of 500 n? I'hen 10V are applied to an d. circuit, the current flowing in it is 700 mA Find tts impedance An AC volt meter reads 250V That is its peak and instantaneous value alternating voltage is 50Hz? 23. Define Peat value of current? ww. * What is pop value. Draw its waveform. What is mean square current and why it is considered? Define AC current and voltage. What is meant by instantaneous value of current and soltage? Write the formula to calculate instantaneous power when current and voltage are in phase requency of xh: WI. xvill. xe. DEMY I LANG ...
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