BUSI 820 LU WK8 Integrating Faith and Learning Discussion
Discussion Integrating Faith and Learning
Learning how to choose the appropriate statistics, interpreting those outputs, and developing skills about the meaning of the results is comes in handy when doing research (Morgan, Barrett, Leech, & Gloeckner 2020). However, it can also be beneficial as a method of developing or forming an appropriate lifestyle. Many people today have created a culture that elevates individual choice and expression. It has grown to the extent that commanding truth and/or values that join people together are almost non existing. A reappropriation of calling and/or vocation will need to be done to make a real difference (Keller, & Alsdorf 2012). The information developed through learning the skills that cover the entire research process can help bring about that difference (Morgan, Barrett, Leech, & Gloeckner 2020).
God has a plan for how one should handle challenging work. Sometimes things fall apart. In that time often people know something is wrong but can’t identify what it is. In some instances, they know but can’t bring themselves to admit what’s wrong. Regardless of the case knowing the effects it can cause a deep restlessness. Even more so trying to understand the true cause of the situation(s). Lack of ability mixed with the resistance within the environment causes conflict, pain, fatigue and even envy. Which makes work challenging. All of which stems from a broken relationship with God (Keller, & Alsdorf 2012).
The problems people can face at work are often because they envision far more than they can accomplish. Some hope to make a real contribution to their place of employment or field of expertise. Others aspire to change the world or make some major improvement in society. Yet there is nothing in this world is sufficient enough for a meaningful life. Considering the circumstances of life always threaten the foundation of life. Dependence on God is the precondition for an unshakeable and purposeful life (Keller, & Alsdorf 2012).
Knowing statistics can help break down the issues or problems of life that hinder one from forming and maintaining a relationship with God. Moving from the sense of curiosity, or the feeling that there is an unresolved issue and/or clearly defining a problem can be complex and long. The key element(s) is the variables used. Which is defined as a characteristic of the participants or situation in each study that has different values. By learning statistics one can choose the appropriate statistic for measurement to accomplish the meaningful relationship by learning the correlation of the effects of the variables (Morgan, Barrett, Leech, & Gloeckner 2020). In this case those would be the things that hinder a relationship with God.
For example, use the variable student’s current gpa, but consider it t be student current relationship with God. Things (variables) that may interfere with student’s relationship with God are their marital status (filling spousal obligations), if they have children (take care of children), hours spent studying (hours spent study the word of God, praying etc.), and hours spent working (hour earning money for cost of living).
The statistics used was multiple regression. It only uses the participants who have complete data (listwise exclusion) for all variables (Morgan, Barrett, Leech, & Gloeckner 2020). The descriptive statistics for all five variables in the first table. The N is 48 because two participants are missing a score on one or more variables (CollegeStudentData). In the correlation matrix one can find the correlations of other variables with student’s current gpa (student’s current relationship with God). This is found in the first column in the Sig. (1tailled) section (Morgan, Barrett, Leech, & Gloeckner 2020). Which shows that the significance level for correlations between predictors and achievement are all significant. Marital status is .062, does have children is .039, hour of study per week .213, and hours per week spent working is .014. Also, that marital status and does have children are highly correlated to one another, with a result of .722. That is not desirable, and one may want to combine those two variables into one (CollegeStudentData).
The multiple regression is shown in the model summary (Morgan, Barrett, Leech, & Gloeckner 2020). Indicating that the multiple correlation coefficient (R) using all the predictors simultaneously is .362 and the adjusted r² is .052. Meaning that 5.2% of the variance in student’s current gpa (student’s current relationship with God) can be predicted from the combination of marital status (filling spousal obligations), does have children (take care of children), hours spent studying (hours spent study the word of God, praying etc.), and hours spent working (hour earning money for cost of living). The ANOVA table shows F = 1.662 and is statistically significant with Sig .176, p>.001 (CollegeStudentData).
The coefficients table show the standardized beta coefficients, which allow one to compare the amount that each variable contributes to predicting student’s current gpa (student’s current relationship with God), when all variables are used as predictors. The t value and the Sig opposite each independent variable indicate whether that variable is significantly contributing to the equation for predicting student’s current gpa (student’s current relationship with God) (Morgan, Barrett, Leech, & Gloeckner 2020). Thus, in this case only hours spent working (hour earning money for cost of living) is a significant predictor when all the predictors are used together (CollegeStudentData).
Overall, a simultaneous multiple regression was conducted to investigate the best prediction of student’s current gpa (student’s current relationship with God). The means, and std. deviations can be found in the descriptive statistics table. The intercorrelations can be found in the correlations table. The combination of variables to predict student’s current gpa (student’s current relationship with God) from of marital status (filling spousal obligations), does have children (take care of children), hours spent studying (hours spent study the word of God, praying etc.), and hours spent working (hour earning money for cost of living) was statistically significant, F (4), 44) = 1.662, p>.001. The coefficients are R is .362, with the adjusted r² being .052. Meaning that 5.2% of the variance in student’s current gpa (student’s current relationship with God) was explained by the model. Which translates that there are many things that can interfere with one’s relationship with God and the one that interferes the most is work (CollegeStudentData).
Due to when people work, they want to make an impact. Yet there are no lasting achievements. Be it slowly or quickly all results of one’s toil will be wiped away by history. Therefore, in a sense the work in meaningless. Especially if it alienates one from God. Which often it does because people get so wrapped up into their work focusing on the fact God meant for everyone to work. However, there are better ways to honor God with our work. How one does that is with doing work that brings glory to God. Doing work that inspires one to come to God or grow closer to God. Being evolved in work that allow others to see the God in you. Or that you reside in God (Keller, & Alsdorf 2012).
College Student Data (2021) www.routledge.com/cw/morgan
Keller, T. & Alsdorf, K. (2012) Every Good Endeavor, Connecting Your Work to God’s Work, New York, NY, Penguin Random House LLC
Morgan, G. A., Barrett, K. C., Leech, N. L., & Gloeckner, G. W. (2020), IBM SPSS for Introductory Statistics, Use and Interpretation Sixth Edition, New York, NY, Routledge