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Batan. Beris. (aledition 20213 Intainedit fart 11 nire of uniform area oferim seguito qual perteil furthland in a carte reshur me then it werande cam Colour strip of carbon resistor from extreme teftari yekun, harkotively itt to remain the sun muktivity (a) Tired 1.21% resistance: 6,412 (as length Specific resistance of a malarial dependen! (b) Area "Temperatute that Carbon resistors consist of: (Hip-prate ceramic ra Thurs invatat 7. 10w-pade ceramic mod (d heinland Foran en circuit, the current resistant ving the treut wille: (a) Infinite, cro (h) Finite, Zrt. (c) 7 Maxima Electromotive force is mint etonly relates. (a) filettric field Rusthential differente, predential 18. The power output of a lamp is W. Brow much enery ches the late one tout in 2 minutes? (a) 31 (h) 121 (c) 1901 ศาวกร II. The algebraic sum of potential change for a cred cirtuith (a) Pensitive (b) Negative (d) greater than unity 12. Which one is used to determine the internal resistance of all? (a) Ammeter (h) Voltmeter (c) Ciuto Yo lontacte 1!. Il a resistor is transverses in the opposite direetion of current then the change in potential is: (a) 2010 (b) Negais Porte 14. KVL is applicable for: MORE ...
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