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Mis 535 projectproposal doc

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JULY 2021.
Submitted by: Srinivas Aditya.
Subject of the Course Project.
My course project subject here is to identify some of the technology problems in
some companies and analyze them throughly and the consequences they are facing
right now and a brief proposed solution. Some of the technology factors that I am
focussing on the company is their problem with Mobile devices when compared to
all other applications in the current market.
Breif problem Statement.
Today, Microsoft lags behind the Apple iOS operating system and the Android
system which is also utilized by several different companies throughout the world, such
as Samsung. Since smartphones are quickly replacing the world of computers, it seems
difficult to comprehend why Microsoft allows itself to lag behind so blatantly in terms of
the performance of its Windows operating system.
The organization which I wanted to describe in my course project is Microsoft and
its technology problems.Microsoft is undoubtedly among the most well-known
technological and software corporations in the world, with a multitude of products ranging
from tablets, to personal computers and smart mobile telephones. However, as with all

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major companies; Microsoft has several competitors, especially in terms of the
functionality of its main operating system, Microsoft Windows.
Name of the company and Organization.
The organization which I wanted to describe in my course project is Microsoft and
its technology problems.Microsoft is undoubtedly among the most well-known
technological and software corporations in the world, with a multitude of products ranging
from tablets, to personal computers and smart mobile telephones. However, as with all
major companies; Microsoft has several competitors, especially in terms of the
functionality of its main operating system, Microsoft Windows.
Proposed solution
In order to fully realize the extent of the issues that are plaguing the Microsoft
operating system, one must compare the operating systems of android and iOS to it.
According to Jay McGregor of Forbes Magazine, the Android operating system is the one
that is most compatible with applications (apps) available for download; with 1.5 million
being available for users (McGregor, 2015). Apple's iOS comes a close second with user
access to nearly 1.4 million apps. However, the Windows operating system which is used
by Microsoft only allows its users to access 340,000 apps, constituting its first major issue
(McGregor, 2015). FurthermoreFinally, although Microsoft Windows plan to introduce a
new type of operating system which excepts tweaked Apple iOS and android apps, many
developers are uninterested in performing these tweaks because simply, Windows has
two few users (thetelegraph, 2015).
These three issues comprise the key obstacles with are faced by Microsoft

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MIS 535 COURSE PROJECT PROPOSAL PROFESSOR SHATHI ABDULRAB JULY 2021. Submitted by: Srinivas Aditya. D40424504. Subject of the Course Project. My course project subject here is to identify some of the technology problems in some companies and analyze them throughly and the consequences they are facing right now and a brief proposed solution. Some of the technology factors that I am focussing on the company is their problem with Mobile devices when compared to all other applications in the current market. Breif problem Statement. Today, Microsoft lags behind the Apple iOS operating system and the Android system which is also utilized by several different companies throughout the world, such as Samsung. Since smartphones are quickly replacing the world of computers, it seems difficult to comprehend why Microsoft allows itself to lag behind so blatantly in terms of the performance of its Windows operating system. The organization which I wanted to describe in my course project is Microsoft and its technology problems.Microsoft is undoubtedly among the most well-known technological and software corporations in the world, with a multitude of products ranging from tablets, to personal computers and smart mobile telephones. However, as with all major companies; Microsoft has several competitors, especially in terms of the functionality of its main operating system, Microsoft Windows. Name of the company and Organization. The organization which I wanted to describe in my course p ...
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