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cplain in detail Two-Nation Theory. Explain origin and evolution of two nation theory. OR Ans. i. Two Nation Theory (DGK-15, BWP-SWL-2015FBD-RWP-2016, LHR-2017-G-2) In the Sub-continent, every individual who embraced Islam associated himself, socially and politically, to the Muslim society and State. Thus he system. This identity formed the basis of Two-Nation Theory. social Means of Two-Nation Theory In the perspective of the Sub-continent, Two-Nation Theory means that two major nations, the Muslims and the Hindus, were settled there. The two nations were entirely different from each other in their religious ideas, their way of living and collective thinking. Their basic principles and the way of living were so different that despite living together for centuries, they could not intermingle with each other. Historical Fact The Indian Muslims fought the war of freedom on the basis of Two- Nation Theory and after accepting this theory as a historical fact, two separate states, Pakistan and India, came into existence. This theory is the ...
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