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Dr.Allama Abin and Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal (117) presented the idea state for the Muslims. He said: "The Muslims would not allow that their religious, political and social rights usurped. Therefore, I would like to see the Punjab, North West Frontier Province (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), Sindh and Balochistan put together into a single state. are Address Pakistan Address "The Hir social heroes. single must le may b the B by ke step Q.7. Des pra اٹھ کہ اب بزم جہاں کا اور ہی انداز ہے مشرق و مغرب میں تیرے دور کا آغاز ہے نے دلوں کو دیا میں اک ولولہ تازه بخارا تابناکی الامور iv. Ans. "Th Inc А. Chaudhary Rehmat Ali and Two nations Theory In January 1933, during his stay at England, Chaudhary Rehmat Ali along with some of his friends published a pamphlet named "Now or Never". It was also distributed among Indian politicians. In this с ...
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