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10:17 1 8 3 Granular leucocyte that releases histamine and heparin; involved in some allergic reactions and in inflamation. place in a cell leading to its division; o understand this process better. 10 4 2 of 2 Stem cell found in a fetus, a baby, a child or a grown up person, but not in an early embryo. Organ that detoxifies the body, scientists want to use stem cells to grow cells found in this organ to test new drugs for treatments. What your body is made up of; it has an average size of 10 pm and a typical mass of 1 nanogram. When a stem cell replicates, it makes a ... of itself. 11 early embryos. 7 9 ER Centre for Regenerative EuroStemCell EDISKO MRC Medicine Stem cells: Crossword 16+ year olds February 2010 Objective: Understanding stem cells and their therapeutic value (Scottish curriculum: Higher biology Unit 1: the molecular biology of medicine; 2di and 2dii) 1 Answer sheet Stem cells are one of the most amazing types of cells because they can (1) make copies of themselves and (2) make specialized cells like skin cells, red blood cells or liver cells. 2 D B o N L F E D 5 DISEASE M 3 4 | և |ւ|ա|ն 11 R A 7 ...
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