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PD BE 24. is one who commits crime acted in consonance of deliberated thinking. He plans the crime ahead of time. They are the targeted offenders. A. Acute criminal b. chronic criminal c. ordinary criminal d. organized criminal 25. is considered the lowest form of criminal in a criminal career. He doesn't stick to crime as a profession but rather pushed to commit crimes due to great opportunity. A. Acute criminal b. chronic criminal c. ordinary criminal d. organized criminal 26. is one who associates himself with other criminals to earn a high degree of organization to enable them to commit crimes easily without being detected by authorities. They commit organized crimes. A. Acute criminal b. chronic criminal c. ordinary criminal d. organized criminal 27. No person can be punished for his act, which at the time it was committed, is not yet punishable by law. However, penal laws may be given retroactive effect when it is favorable to the accused who is not a habitual deliquent. A. It is uniform in application B. It must be prospective C. Territorial in character D General annlication ...
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