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Meetings incentives conferences and exhibitions

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 The business of MICE (Meetings, Incentives, conventions and Exhibitions) is among the largest sectors of the tourism and hospitality industry in any country. The term “MICE” refers to a particular type of tourism in which large groups of tourists travelling to a certain destination for a particular purpose, usually business oriented, and be either local or international. M.I.C.E. (MEETINGS, INCENTIVES, CONVENTIONS (OR CONFERENCES), AND EXHIBITIONS (OR EVENTS) MEETINGS – general term where people come together in a place to confer / carry out an activity  INCENTIVES – meeting / event that features high-end rewards for performing employees and managers  CONFERENCES – participatory meeting designed for discussion, fact-finding, problem solving and consultation  *Shortened definitions from IAPCO (International Association of Professional Congress Organizers)    CONVENTIONS – large meeting of people meet for a few days to share interests or decisions EXHIBITIONS – events featuring public showcase of products/ services EVENTS – assemblies of normally personal nature but will also pertain to massive congregations Number of meetings venues per country Ranking Country # Meetings 1 U.S.A 7,132 2 United Kingdom 1850 3 India 1084 4 Germany 829 5 Canada 751 6 Australia 594 7 China 437 8 France 362 9 Italy 274 10 Malaysia 448 Manila - 13 Quezon City - 7 Mandaluyong - 4 Pasay - 7 Makati - 8 Tagui ...
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