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11:16 49% TIL Grade 10 Modules QC 13. A measuring instrument for detecting and 13. SI O_RA_H measuring the intensity and direction and duration of movements of an earthquake 14. A Japanese term for "big wave in the port;" 14._S_NA_I generated during undersea quakes 15. A mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater 15. _OL_ANO or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor and gas is being or have been erupted from the earth's crust How many words do you remember? You may refer back to these pages when you want to recall the definition of the listed terms. Our Earth has four layers consisting of different materials, namely, crust, mantle, inner, and outer core. For this module, we will focus on the lithosphere which is composed of the crust and the upper mantle. The lithosphere is said to be in constant but very slow motion. These motions are not the same everywhere. This movement of the lithosphere is called tectonics. According to the Plate Tectonics Theory, the entire lithosphere of the Earth is broken into numerous segments called plates (see Figure 1). The arrows show the direction of the plate movement and the other lines are the fault lines. Eurasian Plate ...
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