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Unformatted Attachment Preview Figure 11. Cross-sectional diagram of converging oceanic plates Q21. What are the geologic processes/events that will occur because of this plate movement? Q22. What geologic features might form at the surface of Plate A? Q23. If the edge of Plate A suddenly flicks upward, a large amount of water may be displaced. What could be formed at the surface of the ocean? 18 I rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying-without written permission from the DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2015. Convergence of Oceanic Plates Like the first type of convergent boundaries discussed earlier, converging oceanic plates will cause formation of trenches, and these trenches will become sources of earthquakes. Underwater earthquakes, especially the stronger ones, can generate tsunamis. The Japanese term for "harbor wave," tsunami is a series of ocean waves with very long wavelengths (typically hundreds of kilometers) caused by large-scale disturbances of the ocean. The leading edge of the subducted plate will eventually reach the mantle causing it to melt and turn into magma. The molten material will rise to the surface creating a volcanic island arc parallel to the trench. Volcanic island arc is a chain of volcanoes position in an arc shape as seen in figure below. Oceanic crust Accretionary wedge Foreare basin Volcanic island ark Trench Backarc region ...
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