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National parks 1

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50 Maharashtra 51 2004 1975 1975 1975 317.67 361.28 133.88 257.26 52 53 54 55 56 Manipur 57 1983 1955 1977 1982 1986 1997 1991 1992 86.96 116.55 40 100 220 47.48 100 50 58 Meghalaya 59 60 Mizoram 61 62 Nagaland Odisha 63 Chandoli Gugamal Nawegaon Pench (Jawaharlal Nehru) Sanjay Gandhi (Borivilli) Tadoba Keibul-Lamjao Shiroi Balphakram Nokrek Ridge Murlen Phawngpui (Blue Mountain) Intanki Bhitarkanika Simlipal Desert Keoladeo Ghana Mukundra Hills Ranthambhore Sariska Khangchendzonga Guindy Gulf of Mannar Marine Indira Gandhi (Annamalai) Mudumalai Mukurthi Kasu Brahmananda Reddy 64 65 Rajasthan 66 67 1993 1988 1980 1992 1981 2006 1980 1992 1977 1976 1980 1989 202.02 145 845.7 3162 28.73 200.54 282 273.8 1784 2.7057 526.02 117.1 68 69 70 Sikkim Tamil Nadu 71 72 73 74 75 1990 1990 1994 103.23 78.46 1.425 76 Telangana ...
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