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trimet e rrent the 22 United banke HRM rent Englisco Chehur test and write lettera istraction 1.1 parents set will be bould have gone the A ve en 1. We tad been RA 2. The place that cates a tech A. The more The much I. 3. My brother usually A Has worn rain in the world is met 4. Tried a Verce him that was perfectly capable of A. To manage B. is wearing Chwears Jeans and a sweater but today be in et Managing C Te managing bange the child was playing very oft, Quin grder notte . disirihat any B. So that not to C. So nel D.T. - 6 Now-s-day, people use very fast means of transporti About hundred years about C. Hundred years from about hundred years about herdet was 7. The first team incarestie was built Built Is being built 8. Samuel in barcelona before he moved temadel had fived bestivint Ches 1. heine He was very tired when itew him because he was studine B. llad been studing C. Has been stadig 19. The car's making a funny noise agian......mans will Where B. Who C. Which DW 11. quick: You tave time to reach school bort A lot of time B. Much Little D. a few 12.... he wasn't feeling very well johannies was deter competition A.In fact Πελατωνgn CDecause D. Hos 13. You cannot buy the book you have to borre A. Eicher... Whether or Ds 14. 1 didn't know the rules of the gume very well last A. Will understand Bllave understand am 15. Why don't you singing? You such a beatif set up B. Carry en. Ccame up with didea! La 16. As 10 tribe saw the accident, she ----...the pol Telephoned Telephones C. Was telephonia com? ...
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Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.
