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relocating (or tray The answering te o chances, choo If you want to p second, which other companies cannot Your company has well established departments. The to work in your company 5. How do you feel about working nights and weekends? First, if you're a confirmed workaholic, this question is a softball lob. Whack it out of the the first swing by saying this kind of schedule is just your style. Add that your family it. Indeed, they're happy for you, as they know you get your greatest satisfaction from you You can say: "I will complete my work within time. If there is necessity to work at night and weekends for the beneficial of company, I will definitely work. 6. Can you work under pressure/stressful situations? Tell how you use time management, problem-solving or decision-making skills to reduce sro For example, tell them that making a "to-do" list helps. Mention stress-reducing techniques such stretching and taking a break. Don't be afraid to admit that you will ask feeling overwhelmed Sample answer: "Pressure is part of life. One cannot escape from pressure every time but there is certainly a means to prevent it by properly managing the time and being well organized but Sample answer apportunity to culture and le organization 8. Why sho assistance if you are Believe it or stammer or By now you needs befo question for hiring sometimes there might be such situation where unexpected things happen and you will be undo pressure . That time one should respond to situation rather than the pressure and that way your pressure will reduce and your situation will get handled." Whether ...
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