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H*21% 14:53 1 기 1 of 1 C Wednesday 9. The deadline for an assignment was Sunday, Manuary 27. The deadline was the for 15 days. What day of the week is a new deadline? A Monday Tuesday D. Thursday 10. Of the 150 players in a baseball league, 90 are left handed. Which of the following percentage of the players that are not left-handed? 15000 Chop C42% 159 D. 40% 11. f 35 percent of 400 is 20 percent of then x = 3514 C300 D. 4 12. What is the average (arithmetic means of the set (105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, A 389 8496 sund 17 A 200 500 og ibo C. 110 D. 968 13. When x = 3 and y = 5, by how much does the value of 3x - 2y exceed the value of 2- 113) A 108 B109 ...
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