tableau excel project analysis MUST KNOW HOW TO USE TABLEU AND EXCEL
PART 1 ( I have already completed part 1 please see the attached documents) ONLY COMPLETE PART 2 AND 3BASED ON THE DATA PROVIDED FIGUTR OUT...Background information and industry overview outside of the given dataset. Find some industry trends (in dollar terms and growth rates, preferably for 2005-2007, but more recent trends can still help us understand what is going on in your chosen category), distribution channels, and typical products in the category. Industry overview with data: what do the data tell us?Total sales by year; by channel, by year and channel; what do you see?Total sales by month and check seasonality;-overlay the years.Total sales by month and by channel. –overlay the years;Add Price (recall: price=dollars/quantity) to a b c as an addition chart in the same sheet.Label the Top 5 companies and “others”(right click companyID and create “group”). Compare their sales and price – you may choose multiple levels of comparison.Channel analysis: how does this industry use the three channels? – high/low price channels? How do consumers behave differently across channels? Channel price? Channel loyalty of (good) customers?Complete the industry analysis and background information exploration. The charts (of our data) include:Bar charts and year by year trend lines on: Total sales; Channel sales; Pricing profile;Seasonality of the above;Show the top 5 firms and ‘Others’ to see industry concentration. Plot the total sales and avg price; show how these firms used channels in different ways. Contrast these with industry trend.You should create ~20 sheets in Tableau, and try to form a story around what you have observed.Based on what you see so far, what are some strategic questions you can ask to these data, and can explore further? What information do you need in order to answer each question?PART 2First of all, update your strategic questions and list them at the beginning of your file.This week we will do customer analysis, to dig further into the firms' customer movements. Using the first year data, label each of the top companies' (top3 or top5) best and worse group of customers, and see how they move over time and across companies/channels.Write a one page summary of what you see from the above analysis. Use your tableau images to support your points.comment on how different company’s customers show different patterns of movements.We will add zipcode level information to the transaction dataset (use Excel vlookup, and data from Files -> info3by zipSimple.xlsx). You will now for each household ID, know their zipcode level median income. Describe consumer profiles for your chosen companies, and find out how their customer bases are different.Write a one page summary of what you see from the above analysis. Link your discussion to what you have already found out about those companies. Insert Tableau images to support your points.(Among the company ID we only need to focus on company 153, 861 and 963. So you need to separate these companies from the data set. Then focus on each company at a time. For each company separate date 2005. Do a pivot table. Find Mcode ( rfm analysis) by separating each company’s customer into three groups : high, medium and low customer. Customers are noted as Hh_id in the excel file. Once this is done for each company, use V lookup function to see if the customers were retained in 2006 and 2007.)PART 3 FINAL PROJECT Project final report/presentation: The final deliverables are a PowerPoint presentation that will be submitted to me and presented in class, and a written project report. Each team should also submit a technical appendix with supporting Statistical outputs (you have the freedom to choose any software).Below I have given more detailed description of what are expected in your presentation and project report.Presentation The presentation covers the same contents as the final research report, and should be around 30 minutes long Presentation power point should include the following1) Introduction and industry background. What is the current profile of the industry? What was going on in this industry in our sample periods?2) For the top 5 leading firms in this category, do they show similar sales pattern in terms of seasonality? In terms of their channel uses? In terms of their pricing patterns?3)How do these firms compete? Comment about their channel uses, their pricing strategies, their consumer profile, and their consumer movements. If you choose one of the top five companies as your client, how would you suggest they do moving forward?4) Support all your recommendations with evidence from the data. You may combine such insight with marketing theories.Project ReportEach group will be required to submit a typed research report at the completion of the project. There is no formal requirement on the length of the paper. However it is recommended that the final project report should not exceed 8 single-spaced typed pages excluding exhibits. The report should contain the following:1)Title page 2)Table of contents3)Executive summary: This provides a summary of research report, including introduction, results, conclusions, and recommendations. 4)Introduction:This section should describe the purpose and background of your project. It should tell why the questions you have sought to answer are important and meaningful to the firm, and provide any background material relevant to the project.5)Method:The procedures you used should be described in this section. This would include a description and justification of analysis you choose to do for your project.6)Results:This section should contain the results of data analysis.The results of the data analysis should be clearly and concisely presented in the body of the paper in charts and tables.It is important to make sure you organize your results in a logic sequence and present them clearly by explaining your findings from the data, and how such findings are useful to your chosen client.7)Conclusion: This is the final section of the paper and should show a summary of how the research findings have answered the questions you initially posed.This section should include the implications of your findings for management and your recommendations based on the results.Also, any limitations or weaknesses of your study and how these may have affected your results should be explained.Directions for further research may also be included if appropriate.8)Appendices:It may include references and any supporting information not contained in the body of the paper that are relevant to understanding the results.Grading will be based on quality of end project. How well did the group understand the firm and the business problem?The relevance and quality of the metrics used. A variety of metrics that measure issues crucial to the firm is good. Ten slightly different measures of the same thing are not good.The depth and insightfulness of the discussion of the strategic implications. The thoroughness of the analysis.Format, flow, and readability of the final project report.ATTACHMENTS.checkpoint 1 and checkpoint 2 is PART 1Case42 Mens_Accessories is the main data to useInfo3zipsimple is used later on mens footwear is an example of how the charts should look.