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53% اله و 2:39 PM Instagram CHEMISTRY HSSC-1 Annual Examination II (2021) 1/2 SECTION - A (Marks 17) Q.1: Circle the correct option. i.e. A/B/C/D. Each part carries one mark. 1. The Conversion of Br2 to BrO;' the oxidation stat of Bromine changes from: a) 2 to 5 b) 0 to -2 c) 0 to -3 d) 0 to 5 2. How many atoms of carbon are there in 18g of CH120.? a) 3.6x 1022 b) 6.0x1027 c) 6.02x1022 d) 3.6x10 3. One mole of Ethanol and one mole of Ethane have an equal: a) Number of molecules b) Mass c) Number of atoms d) Numbers of electrons 4. The wave number of the light emitted from a certain source is 2 x 10m'. The wave length of this light will be: a) 5x107 m b) 500nm c) 500m d) 200nm 5. The electronic configuration of an atom is 1s2, 232, 2p'. The number of unpaired electrons in this atom is: uching & COLLEG a) 6 b) 0 c)2 d) 4 In the fortion ont Footbalstuch in ued ... ...
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