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3. Suatu dijadikan patok melakukan gerak (lamba ritme b. gerak C. gerakan pindy 11. Hal yang terpenting kemungkinan terjadinya dem - yang lah natas Nama: NopITA Kelas : aurus 22 - Juli -2021 . :XIPA? Mp B.Inggris wajib > Answer, page 6. An old lady is about to cross the street by herself. . Me :" May I help you madame ? old lady: "Yes please. I want to cross the street. Me 'Sure madame let me help you. Hold my hand and I Will stand on your side" Old lady: "Okay" Acrossed the street. old lady: Thank you for your kindness it means a lot to me? Me "No problem mademe. I hope you have a good day old lady." You too sweetheart". the good morning father, How can I Ayah: good morning, kes of course. Help dad bring this box to the werehouse me = 'ok dad ayah Thank you. 2. assist you ? ...
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