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Please complete the attached module. All exercises are for practice only, and no submission is required. Alternative link: https://eam senecacollege ca/bbcswebdav/orgs/SELS.COM 101-ORG/fully online course materials/printables/module06.pdf Blog Prompt #3 A After reading the assigned articles for this week (see the addendum and links to course reading documents), answer the following question for your blog post. Remember to format your blog post as you see fit, include pictures, media etc., just be sure to cite using APA formatting. Additionally, review the submission instructions for this assignment by reading the attachment for this assignment. In his article, Hutson (2017, May 31) discusses ways in which scientific advances can bridge gaps to ultimately improve people's quality of life. People who suffer from various aliments often undergo human trial to resolve health problems in new, and often unconventional ways ...
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