United Parcel Service Financial & Stock Valuation Analysis Report
OverviewFinancial analysis involves examining historical data to gain information about the current and future financial health of a company. Financial analysis can be applied in a wide variety of situations to give business managers the information they need to make critical decisions. The ability to understand financial data is essential for any business manager.The final project for this course is the creation of a financial analysis report. For this assessment, you will provide a financial analysis report for United Parcel Service (UPS) based on the data in the 2017 UPS Annual Report provided. You will be asked to take the topics that you have covered throughout the course and display your mathematical and conceptual mastery of them. You will conduct background calculations and provide managerial analysis for the following topics: time value of money, stock valuation, bond valuation, and capital budgeting. Analyze macroeconomic variables that impact corporate financial decision making for ensuring alignment with strategic objectivesPromptUsing the 2017 UPS Annual Report, prepare a financial analysis report for UPS. For your calculations, use the Final Project Excel Workbook which includes tabs specific to each milestone. Be sure to include in your analysis the background calculations and managerial analysis for each of the following topics: time value of money, stock and bond valuation, and capital budgeting. Also, include a discussion of macroeconomic variables that might impact the company’s financial decision making and strategic objectives. Note that while these elements may seem separate and unrelated, together they will present a well-rounded view of the company’s finances with regard to the topics.Specifically, you must address the critical elements listed below. Most of the critical elements align with a particular course outcome (shown in brackets).Time Value of MoneyUsing the Final Project Excel Workbook, calculate the following time value of money figures:Calculate the present value of the company based on the given interest rate and provided Fee Cash Flows for the years 2015,2016, and 2017.Suppose the risk of the company changes based on an unanticipated decrease in the Free Cash Flows by 10% annually duringthe years 2015, 2016, and 2017. Recalculate the present value of the company.Suppose that a potential buyer has offered to buy this company in three years. Based on the initial present value you calculatedabove in A1, what would be a reasonable amount for the buyer to pay for the company in three years’ time?What are the implications of the change in present value based on risk? In other words, what does the change mean to the company, and howwould you, as a financial manager, interpret it? Be sure to justify your reasoning with appropriate references/sources.Based on the present value of the company that you calculated, and being mindful of the need to effectively balance portfolio risk with return, what recommendation would you make about purchasing the company as an investment at that price? Be sure to substantiate your reasoningwith appropriate references/sources.Stock ValuationBased on the figures provided, calculate each of the following:The new dividend yield if the company increased its dividend per share by 1.75The dividend yield if the firm doubled its outstanding sharesThe rate of return on equity (i.e., the cost of stock) based on the new dividend yield you calculated aboveWhat effect would you expect each of the calculations you performed to have in terms of shareholder value? In other words, suppose the company’s goal is to maximize shareholder value. How will each of the situations support or inhibit that goal? Be sure to justify your reasoning.To what extent do you feel the company’s dividend policies support or hinder their strategies? For example, if the company is attempting to grow, are they retaining and reinvesting their earnings rather than distributing them to investors through dividends? Be sure to substantiate your claims.Bond IssuanceAssuming this company already has bonds outstanding, calculate the following:The new value of the bond if overall rates in the market increased by 5%The new value of the bond if overall rates in the market decreased by 5%The value of the bond if overall rates in the market stayed exactly the sameWhat effect would you expect each of the calculations you performed to have in terms of the company’s decision to raise capital in this manner? In other words, for each situation, would you consider bond valuation to be a viable option for increasing capital? Be sure to justify your reasoning.To what extent do you feel the company’s bond issuance policies support or hinder their strategies? For example, if the company is attempting to fund operating expenses, refinance old debt, or change its capital structure, are they issuing sufficient bonds to achieve these goals? Be sure to substantiate your claims.IV.Capital Budgeting DataSuppose the company is considering a potential investment project to add to its portfolio. Calculate the following items:1.The net present value (NPV) of the project2.The internal rate of return (IRR) of the projectWhat are the implications of these calculations? In other words, based on each of the calculations, and being mindful of the need to balanceportfolio risk with return, would you recommend that the company pursue the investment? Why or why not? Be sure to substantiate yourclaims.What is the difference between NPV and IRR? Which one would you choose for evaluating a potential investment and why? Be sure to supportyour reasoning with evidence.Macroeconomic Items: The CEO of the company is convinced that financial analysis should hinge only on what is happening internally within the company. Convince him otherwise based on the following:Analyze the implications of interest rate changes on any of the calculations you performed. Be sure to substantiate your claims.E x p l a i n how an issue (negative or positive) within the overall stock market might impact the company’s stock valuation numbers, other financialvariables, or its overall portfolio management? Be sure your response is supported by evidence.Analyze the impact of any external factor (i.e., external to the company) discussed throughout the course on the company’s financial position.Be sure to justify your reasoning.*************Attached is my project. Please read guidelines and polish the submitted document. Each section has the correct calculation. Just need a short paper/summary of each section.