Health & Medical Question
I will send all notes you look over let me know when your ready to start the exam there are 12 questions three hours to complete Prior to beginning the quiz, closely review the required readings for this week, paying particular attention to the article by Eichner, Wang, Zhang, Lee, & Welty (2010). Then, complete the quiz. The quiz contains seven multiple-choice questions (Part 1), nine matching questions (Part 2), and four short answer questions (Part 3). You will have up to three hours to complete the quiz once you begin. The quiz must be completed in one sitting, by Day 6 of the week in which it is due and the quiz may only be taken one time.AnalysisActivityDue DateFormatGrading PercentExplaining AnalysisDay 3(1st Post)Discussion5Week Five QuizDay 6Quiz6Final PaperDay 7Assignment20Learning OutcomesThis week students will:Explain the results of a research study.Describe the difference between significant and insignificant results of research.Identify examples of significant and insignificant results of research.Define basic statistical concepts.Analyze a health research article.IntroductionYou made it to the last week of class! With four weeks of terminology and analysis under your belt, you should be more comfortable reading and comprehending the information presented in primary research articles. This week, you will look at the various analysis techniques used in research. While you will not be computing statistics yourself, you will be coming into contact with numbers and some of the key statistical terms that comprise most health research. By having a basic understanding of these terms and how to find them in research, you will be well prepared to critically analyze health promotion research. Thank you for all of your hard work in the course!Required ResourcesTextLane, D. (n.d.). Online statistics education: An interactive multimedia course of study. Retrieved from, M. (n.d.) Descriptive statistics. Retrieved from, D. Interpreting significant results. Retrieved from, D. Interpreting non-significant results. Retrieved from, N. C., Elder, J. P., Ayala, G. X., Slymen, D. J., Campbell, N. R., Sallis, J. F., . . .Arredondo, E. M. (2012). Results of a multi-level intervention to prevent and control childhood obesity among Latino children: The aventuras para niños study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 43(1), 84-100. doi: 10.1007/s12160-011-9332-7. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.This article describes a study that evaluated the impact of a multi-level promotora-based (Community Health Advisor) intervention to promote healthy eating and physical activity and prevent excess weight gain among Latino children, and is one of the options to use for your final paper. Duffy, S., Kilbourne, A., Austin, K., Dalack, G., Woltmann, E., Waxmonshy, J., & Noonan, D. (2012). Risk of smoking and receipt of cessation services among veterans with mental disorders. Psychiatric Services, 63(4), 325-332. doi: 10.1176/ Retrieved from the PubMed Central database at article describes a study with the goals of determining rates of smoking and receipt of provider recommendations to quit smoking among patients with mental disorders treated in U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs treatment settings, and is one of the options to use for your final paper.Eichner, J. E., Wang, W., Zhang, Y., Lee, E. T., & Welty, T. K. (2010). Tobacco use and cardiovascular disease among American Indians: The strong heart study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7(10), 3816-30. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.This article describes the results of a study examining the relationship between smoking and heart disease among American Indians, and should be reviewed closely prior to completing this week’s quiz and assignment.Websites The Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education, the Institute for Higher Education Policy, and Pathways to College Network. (2015). Analyze quantitative data. Evaluation Toolkit. Retrieved from This website describes the most common quantitative analysis procedures that are used in small program evaluation and provides a list of helpful resources that can assist you in evaluative efforts.The Pennsylvania State University. (2015). Hypothesis testing. In Stat 100: Statistical concepts and reasoning. Retrieved from section of the Penn State online statistics course provides an overview of hypothesis testing and how statistical tests are use in the analysis of research questionsTIBCO Software Inc. (2020). Data science textbook. Retrieved from website briefly discussed the elementary statistical concepts that provide the necessary foundations for more specialized expertise in any area of statistical data analysis.Recommended ResourcesTextCrinson, I. & Leontowitsch, M. (n.d.). The principles of qualitative methods: Use, analysis and presentation of qualitative data. In Lane, D. Public Health Textbook. Retrieved from, Z. and Hoe, J. (2012). Understanding quantitative research: part 1. Nursing Standards, 27(15-17), 52-57. Retrieved from the EBSCOhost database.This article provides an introduction to understanding quantitative research, basic statistics and terminology used in research articles, and specifically focuses on developing critical appraisal skills and understanding the use and implications of different quantitative approaches to research. Hoare, Z. and Hoe, J. (2013). Understanding quantitative research: part 2. Nursing Standards, 27(18), 48-55. Retrieved from the EBSCOhost database.This provides an introduction to understanding quantitative research, basic statistics and terminology used in research articles, and specifically focuses on explaining common statistical terms and the presentation of statistical data in quantitative research.WebsitesH2G2. (2011). How to understand statistics. Retrieved from article discusses some of the various ways statistics can be misleading.United States General Accounting Office, Program Evaluation and Methodology Division. (1992). Quantitative data analysis: An introduction. Retrieved from paper aims to bridge the communications gap between generalist and specialist, helping the generalist evaluator be a wiser consumer of technical advice and helping report reviewers be more sensitive to the potential for methodological errors.Go to top of page