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12.07.2019 Biology PLANT TISSUE I Cell tissue is group of cells specialized to perform certain function 2.tissue meristematic Permanent tissue tissue 3. Organ 4. Organ system 5. Organism young Plant Meristematic Tissue : 200e of continuogsly dividing cells. the characteristic Meristema fic tissue provide unlimited growth by their Continuous division. : large nucleus - thin cell wall large amount of cytoplasm high metabolic rate. small vacuoles • Longitudinal Growth: Longer MERISTEMATIC tissue Location - Apical meristem, intercalary meristem, Lateral meristem. origin: Primary system for secondary system • Lateral Growth : Bigger > Apical meristem (i) Carujung untuk pertumbuhan memanjang) (i) located at the tip of the root, stem, branches. Provided longitudinal growth. composed of small k unspecialized cell. © ...
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