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GRAVITATION Gravitational PE PE=m.g.h only for small object sur • when discuss about massive object, we use 2 Peg mo [6-M] . PEJE Energy 1. PE: change in position towards reference point. (wke face) 2. KE : Change in speed / motion. (surface ke ~) 3. ME total energy, ME = PE+KE 4.BE : Binding Energy energy ikat> centre of orbit 6.M.m Revolve around orbit -11 M m MEg=-26.M.m +6.M.m R 6,7X10 "Reference point PEg = 0 C.M.M 2R MEg= 6.M.m 3R MEgzamin G. R RE * For massive object KEg = -muo? ... Com] C: Binding Energy = Minimum energy Required to move around orbit and keep on the path. , 2 BEg = KE g 16.M.m ...
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