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TRIOT CRANSFORMATION Reflection Refleckon 1L-Axis A (U,y) A' (2,-4) ar+3y=9, whats the point of the reflection? 1 ar-3y=9 reflect to x-axis x-axify Á (x,-4) ex y-Axis A(x,y) ( )( ) ( ) reflect to y = x A (X,Y) y=-x , A (-4,-2) C)- A (1,7) A(-2,4) exi what's the coordination of image of point A (3.7) that reflect to y-axis? (-3,7) 4 example: | A (rey) (2,1) (1,3) y! A Camere U= 3 Study hard! »7,5) ze! iy Translation A B D rules! moving without rotating, without resiang. JUST MOVING. Every point of the shape must move: - The same distance ...
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