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Physics EMO Electro magnetic Induction 'can we produce electricity (in circutt) without sources?" Yes! induced voltage How ? By EMI > Because EMI can cause eme electromotive porce) Induced current How can we produce EMI? Moving magnet back x Forth through coil. 1. 2 3. Rotating magnet near / inside the coil. Moving the wire/coil in the uniform magnetic field Bring wire o magnet dose to each other cmove in opposite direction) 4. : EMI is a process to produce electrocity by relative motion between magnet a coil wire (magnetic induction) Factors affecting to EMI : 1. Speed of moving object (0) ► greater speed, greater EMI Number of corl / turns (N) Moreater number of coll, greater Emil Note: 0 Magnetic force direction always in opposite direction with the motion. 2. ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.
