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LOGIC.COM mathematic Properties 2 1. P v 9 9 VP 2. PA 9 E 9 AP (HP 9) = WP 1 ~9 universal Quantifier (V)= for all, for every, for each inverse of pag is ~png existential Quantifier (9) there is, for some, there's at least one. converse of psg is gop f(pvg) NRANG contrapositive of pag is ng ~ ~(eng) upung 3. P→ 9 EP v 9 4. (P→ 9) 2 P A ~ Equivalent propositions If the truth values of P and g are equal, then pand g are called equivalent pro por sitions and Twith values of propositions Jany propositions can be True / False it is shown by P= 1 if p is True P=oifp is False for one propositions 1 → True р 1 2 = 2 0 → False 0 possible condition For n proposition, there are 2 possible denoted pag. example R- Jakarta is the capital city Ig= 5.3+4=1g PET - P29 921 conditions ...
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