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CCLL Cells: is the basic structural, functional, and biological, unit of all known living organism. (the basic unit of life) Principles of cell theory • All organisms are made of cells •The cell is the smallest living unit of structure. all cells come from pre-existing cells by division. EUKARYOTIES 2 2 Cells that HAVE a nucleus and nucleus:controls all of process inside cell nucleolus. membrane - bomild organelles Cime nucleus) RIBOSOM: synthesis protein. Indudes prolists, fungi, plants, and animals. ENDOPLASMIC RECTICULUM : smooth ER: Synthesis lipiclono ribosom more complex typ of cells. Rougn ER: Synthesis protein, Here's ribosom GENERAAL Subdivision of a cell 1. Plasma membrane structure → phospholipid bilayer with 1. Plasma membrane protein attached to the inner hydrophilic par't & Contracelular) & outer (extracellular) surfaers. ...
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