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Collectives research for report grp 1 6

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ор SCIENCE CHELOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP QUEZON CITY POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY ORGANIZATIONAL FACTORS . Organizational Culture - The system of shared actions, values and beliefs that develops within an organization and guides the behaviour of its members. (Schermerhorn, Obsorn, Uhl-bien and hunt 2012) Importance of Business Ethics: 1. Corresponds to Basic Human Needs: The basic need of every human being is that they want to be a part of the organization which they can respect and be proud of, because they perceive it to be ethical. Everybody likes to be associated with an organization which the society respects as a honest and socially responsible organization. The HR managers have to fulfill this basic need of the employees as well as their own basic need that they want to direct an ethical organization. The basic needs of ...
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