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Collectives research for report grp 1 9

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ор SCIENCE CHELOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP QUEZON CITY POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Ethics program/ Committee Compliance and ethics (“C&E”) programs are organizational policies put in place to promote law abiding and ethical conduct. To be effective, they must be supported by procedures, communications efforts, and cultural attributes. While the principal drivers for such programs are laws and regulations which offer leniency to companies with good C&E programs, there are further reasons to embrace C&E and make it a priority. C&E program law is to some extent the codification of sound management practices. While these programs mostly originated in the US, other countries are increasingly passing legislation to encourage or require C&E programs, making this area truly global in nature. Many of the other topics discussed elsewhere on this site—such as corruption, conflicts of interest, cheating, and whistleblowing—are addressed in business organizations through the mechanisms provided by C&E programs. As such, C&E programs can provide ready-made “ethical systems blueprints," bringing behavioral ethics ideas and information into the workplace. (For example: risk assessment training; methods for encouraging whistleblowing; accountability ...
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