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In the society and business environment, there are various changes that can affect the
viability and relevance of the benefits. First, some an employer may feel that without paying
employees when they are on leave of absence, can make them feel that they are not entitled to
membership in such an organization. Secondly, if a worker takes a leave of absence due to a
social issue regarding the society, it is socially ethical that the employee belongs to the society
which he or she should participate in such an activity. Even though such benefits are legally
correct, at some point ethical considerations should be undertaken effectively (Hardina, 31).
When core employees and contingent workers are let to work in the same location, the
company may experience various problems depending on how the two categories of employees
relate to one another. First, the core employees may feel that the contingent workers are taking
their overtime opportunities, a situation which may lead to inadequate communication between
them. As a result, effective communication will be underutilized; a situation that can lead to
reduced productivity. Secondly, the core employees may start doubting their company and feel
that they may be replaced by the contingent worker especially if there have been having issues
before. As a result, the core employees may start looking for jobs elsewhere. It matters if the two
categories of employees are undertaking similar jobs because some employees may feel that they

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are offering training to the contingent workers indirectly, and may replace them after they are
familiar with jobs (Arthur, 15).
Employing temporary workers is accompanied by various drawbacks. Temporary
workers require training before they start working on their respective departments. It does not
matter how unskilled or skilled they are; this training may sometimes require more time and
sometimes other resources. Secondly, safety issues may arise especially for the tasks which are
inherently harmful and need appropriate safety training. Research shows that consistent and
severity scores of on-the-injuries are averagely higher with temporary employees. No matter how
best they fit in the positions they are employed for, care must be taken to ensure dangerous tasks
are undertaken safely. The drawbacks outweigh the company’s savings because, at some point,
you cannot rely on the temporary workers, and sometimes they may get injuries which can make
losses to the company, if those succumbing injuries should be compensated (Arthur, 19).
Employers having introduced flexible work schedules, the employees are likely to
maintain their positions in an organization. It is because they can the work for themselves.
Employees are likely to get committed since they feel that an employer is caring about their non-
working life and wellbeing. This is likely to increase productivity by the employees because
employees get high job and employer satisfaction. The flexible work schedules will be effective
to a company because, it is likely to attract, retain and recruit best-qualified employees. Having
the highly qualified experts will increase the company’s performance and lead to the provision of
high-quality services and products (Arthur, 13).

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Surname 1 Name: Subject: Professor: Date: Q1. In the society and business environment, there are various changes that can affect the viability and relevance of the benefits. First, some an employer may feel that without paying employees when they are on leave of absence, can make them feel that they are not entitled to membership in such an organization. Secondly, if a worker takes a leave of absence due to a social issue regarding the society, it is socially ethical that the employee belongs to the society which he or she should participate in such an activity. Even though such benefits are legally correct, at some point ethical considerations should be undertaken effectively (Hardina, 31). Q2. When core employees and contingent workers are let to work in the same location, the company may experience various problems depending on how the two categories of employees relate to one another ...
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