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jo richardson community school
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People are heavily influenced by societies culture Culture is about norms - behaviour and attitudes across social groups It indicates what society considers to be acceptable and unacceptable, children pick up the culture of the society as they grow up and they tend to conform with their peer group, modern societies have a culture of consumerism - there's a wide range of goods + services for people to buy, and their existence encourages people to need, want or aspire to own or use them. Trends - if people are worried about the future because the economy isn't performing well and there are a few jobs, they may want to be more careful of the way they spend their money then they would when the outlook is good This behaviour is strengthened by advertising and by seeing other people buying and using goods + services, financial services providers are very interested in culture because it influences financial behaviour and indicates what financial products will be successful Fashion also influences what people buy Current trends and fashions tell us something about people's attitudes + values and can influence the decisions + choices they make UK - there's a strong culture of home ownership, providers make mortgage loans available to people so that they can buy their own homes and pay back over a long period, often 20-25 years Way in which people pay for goods and services 50 vears ago many people would've been afraid ...
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