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jo richardson community school
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People need advice + info before making a buying decision to help them make an informed choice. Once they've chosen a product, they need to stay informed during the period they're using the product. Making a bad choice can have unfortunate consequences, although with short-term products ( CA or IAA ), it's easy to switch to a different one. But medium and long-term products are relatively inflexible and people need to know these facts before committing themselves. They can experience problems with financial purchases if they don't understand the agreement they're making It's never possible to know everything about a product and theres always risk. Life insurance endowment policies are complicated and it's hard for a customer to know what the policy is worth at any point in time because the value is affected by stocks and by the charges made by the insurance company. The insurance company will send an annual statement of their policy but most people don't know enough to be able to While the law provides some protection against bad advice and the selling of unsuitable products, consumers should remember that theres always a risk. Nobody can predict the future and the economy can change in unexpected ways. E.g. inflation rate might rise significantly and the BOE would respond by raising interest rates. Or a bank might fail and its customers would be uncertain about what'll ...
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