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Baguio City National High School
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Therefore, 25% of the group of students have less than 20.25 reactions. B) Calculate (z. 1. Determine the location of Oz class. It is the class interval that 2N contains the th data. 4 2N 2(30) 60 Location of Q2 class = 15 4 4 4 > This means that (2 is at the 15th position. Thus, we need to find the class interval where the 15th data is contained using the less than cumulative frequency < cf column. The 15th data is contained between the 13th to 21 st data. Class Interval f LCB cf 47-53 2. 46.5 30 NIN 40-46 2 39.5 28 33-39 5 32.5 26 Note that the 13th to 21st data belong to this class interval. So the 26-32 9 25.5 21 . ...
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