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3:43 PM 899% ار. ال. ج The Concept of values, attitudes, and diversity at the workplace = The corporate culture impacts how people interact, the setting in which information is generated, the resistance to specific changes, and, ultimately, how they share (or do not share) knowledge. Organizational culture embodies the collective values, beliefs, and principles of the organization's members. It may also be impacted by variables like history, product kind, market, technology, strategy, personnel type, management style, and country culture. Culture encompasses the organization's vision, values, conventions, systems, symbols, language, assumptions, environment, location, beliefs, and habits. By the beginning of the 1980s, supervisors, sociologists, and hierarchical scholars were all using corporate culture. The connected thought of an authoritative environment arose during the 1960s and 70s. The terms are now somewhat overlapping, as the climate is one aspect of culture that focuses primarily ...
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