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The first amendment of the U.S. constitution is about religion and expression. The
congress will not make any low in the name of respecting a religion or deny the free exercise
(Disqus, 2017). It shall not abridge speech freedom or press freedom or the right of people to
assemble peacefully or freedom to file a petition on the government if it ignores or redresses
their grievances.
Freedom of speech is the right for person give his or her opinion and idea without fear of
a person or any authority sanction. UC Berkeley is known as the place where free speech
movement was born (May, 2017). This perspective is changed when a presentation by Milo
Yiannapoulos is canceled due to protests. There was a group of criminals and thugs who brought
chases for the tour to be canceled. These demonstrations forced the university management
canceled the tour.
According to Mogulof UC spokesman, the protestors wanted to assault both the physical
campus and free-speech ideals. The UC Berkeley should have and maintain an open inquiry in
the civil society. The UC Berkeley should influence the society to have a democratic nation
genuinely (Rollingstone, 2017). According to one of the graduates, these traditions and practices
of the free speech should go beyond the campus. This issue of free speech should be
incorporated into the mission of the campus.
From this article, it is clear that the campus management was not ready for the trouble of
the event. The area surrounding the campus was not aware of the free speech event. The
management failed to control the protestors. According to the US first amendment of the
constitution, every person has a right to free speech as long as it is done peacefully (May, 2017).

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1 Running head: UC BERKELEY RIOTS Name Institution Course Date UC BERKELEY RIOTS 2 UC BERKELEY RIOTS UC BERKELEY RIOTS The first amendment of the U.S. constitution is about religion and expression. The congress will not make any low in the name of respecting a religion or deny the free exercise (Disqus, 2017). It shall not abridge speech freedom or press freedom or the right of people to assemble peacefully or freedom to file a petition on the government if it ignores or redresses their grievances. Freedom of speech is the right for person give his or her opinion and idea without fear of a person or any authority sanction. UC Berkeley is known as the place where free speech movement was born (May, 2017). This perspective is changed when a presentation by Milo Yiannapoulos is canceled due to protests. There was a group of criminals and thugs who brought chases for the tour to be canceled. These demonstrations forced the university management canceled the tour. According to Mogulof UC spokesman, the protestors wanted to assault both the physical campus and free-speech ideals. The UC Berkeley should have and maintain an open inquiry in the civil society. The UC Berkeley should in ...
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