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Managing Diversity

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Managing Diversity
1. What are major strengths or weaknesses that you found with the US-based model for
managing diversity?
The U.S-based model for managing diversity revolves mainly around managing
immigration and tapping talent from people of different walks of life. The strengths of the model
include the provision of equal employment opportunities for both immigrants and U.S born
citizens. There is strong legislation that provides for the inclusion of people from different races,
religions, sexual orientations and gender in the workplace. Other than the workplace, it is
unlawful to discriminate or vilify an individual based on their religion, sexual orientation or race.
The weakness in this model is that the law is not specific as to the description of discrimination.
Employment legislation has not catered for visible minority groups, as the rate of unemployment
among the African American and Latin American communities remains high due to
discrimination (Barak, 2013).
2. What are major strengths/weaknesses that you found in the Australian-based model for
managing diversity?
In Australia, many laws aim to eliminate discrimination and encourage diversity in the
country. Legislation has made racial discrimination and sexual discrimination unlawful for every
person to enjoy equal rights. The structure in the country is such that there is the inclusion of
people of different orientations in the workplace. The strength of this model is that it enables
tapping of potential from diverse groups of individuals. The weakness of the model is that there
is no specific legislation to eradicate discrimination in the workplace. The scope of the law is
either limited or inconsistent in some states and territories. Description of religious

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Running head: MANAGING DIVERSITY 1 Managing Diversity Name Institution MANAGING DIVERSITY 2 Managing Diversity 1. What are major strengths or weaknesses that you found with the US-based model for managing diversity? The U.S-based model for managing diversity revolves mainly around managing immigration and tapping talent from people of different walks of life. The strengths of the model include the provision of equal employment opportunities for both immigrants and U.S born citizens. There is strong legislation that provides for the inclusion of people from different races, religions, sexual orientations and gender in the workplace. Other than the workplace, it is unlawful to discriminate or vilify an individual based on their religion, sexual orientation or race. The weakness in this model is that the law is not specific as to the description of discrimination. Employment legislation has not catered for visible minority groups, as the rate of unemployment among the African American and Latin American communities remains high due to discrimination (Barak, 2013). 2. What are major strengths/weaknesses that you found in the Australian-based model for managing diversity? In Australia, many laws aim to eliminate discrimination and encourage diversity in the country. Legislation has made racial discrimination and sexual discrimination unlawful for every person to enjoy equal rights. The structure in the country is such that there is the inclusion of people of different orient ...
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