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20170309094957leadership The New Science Approach

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Leadership: The New Science Approach
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Leadership: The New Science Approach
Whereas the famous quote about change being the only constant has remained relevant
for several centuries, it has never been as relevant as it is today. Today, change is occurring at
unprecedented rates in almost every dimension and environment. Rapid changes are being
witnessed in business, education, technology, governments and many other areas. New scientific
innovations have triggered substantial changes in the ways of thinking and doing things.
Organizations now rely on leadership founded on new science to embrace new strategies and
ways of dealing with turbulences so as to remain relevant in the face of unpredictability in the
market. Author Margaret Wheatley believes that the modern leader must clearly understand the
workings of the new science theory so as to be competent in his endeavors, and to streamline
organizational functions and operations through the use of chaos and change. According to her,
the new leader is spontaneous and abrupt in decision making. In line with her school of thought,
the present leader guidebook will highlight some of the best practices and behaviors that leaders
should embrace to ensure that their organizations are run effectively. It will also outline some
ineffective tendencies that can compromise the success of modern leadership.
New Science and Leadership
Changes in the philosophies of leadership stem from the very changes that have occurred
in the discipline of science. The conventional thinking of management is mechanistic in many
ways. The concept was founded in the Western world and views people as machines who can
only perform best when given standardized and tested instructions. Thus, they do not want to
think outside the box and come up with unconventional approaches to doing things because they
fear being labeled as deviants. The mechanistic management model is based on the traditional

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Running Head: LEADERSHIP: THE NEW SCIENCE APPROACH Leadership: The New Science Approach Name Institutional Affiliation 1 LEADERSHIP: THE NEW SCIENCE APPROACH Leadership: The New Science Approach Introduction Whereas the famous quote about change being the only constant has remained relevant for several centuries, it has never been as relevant as it is today. Today, change is occurring at unprecedented rates in almost every dimension and environment. Rapid changes are being witnessed in business, education, technology, governments and many other areas. New scientific innovations have triggered substantial changes in the ways of thinking and doing things. Organizations now rely on leadership founded on new science to embrace new strategies and ways of dealing with turbulences so as to remain relevant in the face of unpredictability in the market. Author Margaret Wheatley believes that the modern leader must clearly understand the workings of the new science theory so as to be competent in his endeavors, and to streamline organizational functions and operations through the use of chaos and change. According to her, the new leader is spontaneous and abrupt in decision making. In line with her school of thought, the present leader guidebook will highlight some of the best practices and behaviors that leaders should embrace to ensure that their organizations are run effectively. It will also outline some ineffective tendencies that can compromise the success of modern leadershi ...
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