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PART D Usage and Writing 6 Choose the correct answer from a, b, cord: We live on the a) Mars b) Venus c) Earth d) Uranus is a very hard white, black or pink rock used for building d) Wool a) Marble d) repair d) control c) regret d) building b) Plastic c) Mud Ramy's bike is broken. How can we.... ............... it? a) manage b) develop c) require The teacher wanted us to how the earth goes around the sun. (a) explain b) advise The canal is not natural. It is a) made b) man-made c) build The shop is for a new assistant. Perhaps Manal can work there. a) investing b) writing c) arranging 7 Rewrite the following using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning: 3 makinal" The doctor said to Hatem.cmakina (advised) d) advertising ...
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