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Los Angeles Pierce College
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Course Concept Questions
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Course Concept Questions
Question 1
The three components of attitudes comprise cognition, affect, and intention. Cognition is
considered the knowledge someone believes to possess concerning things and comprises values,
reasons, causes, consequences, etc. Cognitions are viewed based on reality and truth. Affects are
based on a person's feelings about things, for example, anger, happiness, disappointment, etc.
Affect is something people have little or no conscious control over. The intention is an element
of attitude known to guide people's behaviors, for example, results, actions, smiles, and
responses (Griffin et al., 2016).
Question 2
Cognitive dissonance is a type of anxiety people experience when their behaviors
challenge their attitude. It is considered the conflict between a person's behavior and attitude or
between two different attitudes (Griffin et al., 2016). The first approach is when an employee
sees another employee's register is open and has an opportunity to take some amount of cash
from it. The second approach might be trying to decide whether or not to collect and take home
company supplies.
Question 3
There are three types of organizational commitments include continuance, affective, and
normative commitment. Affective commitment is a positive emotional attachment towards an
organization. It involves strong identification with its goals and values. It is considered to lead
employees to have a strong link with an organization since they want to Griffin et al., 2016).

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1 Course Concept Questions Name Institution Affiliation Course Name Instructor Date 2 Course Concept Questions Question 1 The three components of attitudes comprise cognition, affect, and intention. Cognition is considered the knowledge someone believes to possess concerning things and comprises values, reasons, causes, consequences, etc. Cognitions are viewed based on reality and truth. Affects are based on a person's feelings about things, for example, anger, happiness, disappointment, etc. Affect is something people have little or no conscious control over. The intention is an element of attitude known to guide people's behaviors, for example, results, actions, smiles, and responses (Griffin et al., 2016). Question 2 Cognitive dissonance is a type of anxiety people experience when their behaviors challenge their attitude. It is considered the conflict between a person's behavior and attitude or between two different attitudes (Griffin et al., 2016). The first approach is when an employee sees another employee's register is open and has an opportunity to take some amount of cash from it. The second approach might be trying to decide whether or not to collect and take home company supplies. Question 3 There are three types of organizational commitments include continuance, affective, and normative commitment. Affective commitment is a positive emotional attachment towards an organization. It involves strong identification with its goals and values. It is considered to l ...
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