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Legalization Of The Micro Dosage Of Hallucinogen Drugs

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Legalization of the Micro-dosage of Hallucinogen Drugs
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Legalization of the Micro-dosage of Hallucinogen Drugs
Whether Or Not the U.S. should decriminalize or Legalize Micro-dosing Hallucinogens for
Medical Purpose
Legalizing the micro-dosing of hallucinogens for medical purposes involves authorized
acceptance by the United States of the American government on the low quantity of
hallucinogenic drugs for therapeutic practices. It is also a step towards sensitizing the doctors on
the importance of using hallucinogen drugs in medical operations besides their wrong historical
notions (Bäckström & Alamien, 2021). Notably, micro-dosing of hallucinogenic drugs has
grown into a medically popular drug. Several motions and bills have been subjected into the
congress and the senate to legalize the drug for medical operations, which up to this date seem to
bear the fruit. However, little scientific evidence and literature contain research concerning the
practices. The limited reports on the medical operations associated with micro-dosing and the
experiences of the micro-dozers make drug legalization difficult. Nevertheless, the use of
hallucinogens in small quantities like the psilocybin Mushroom improves moods by inducing
mental stimulations, encouraging creative and critical thinking. As such, boredom, stress, and
anxiety are broken when a limited amount of the drug is injected into the bloodstream or given
orally (Wang, 2020). The notion of taking limited quantities of the hallucinogen drug through the
supervision and guidance of the medical professionals and the doctors treats mental illness.
Mental illnesses like depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and anxiety get reduced by
improving the patient's mood, hence easy mitigation of the significant medical challenge
involved in the therapeutic procedure. Contrary to the fundamental importance of the
hallucinogen, the consistent and uncontrolled dose of the hallucinogenic drugs may risk the
patient's life. As a result, an individual may develop an addiction due to the frequent need to

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1 Legalization of the Micro-dosage of Hallucinogen Drugs Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name and Number Professor's Name Assignment Due Date 2 Legalization of the Micro-dosage of Hallucinogen Drugs Whether Or Not the U.S. should decriminalize or Legalize Micro-dosing Hallucinogens for Medical Purpose Legalizing the micro-dosing of hallucinogens for medical purposes involves authorized acceptance by the United States of the American government on the low quantity of hallucinogenic drugs for therapeutic practices. It is also a step towards sensitizing the doctors on the importance of using hallucinogen drugs in medical operations besides their wrong historical notions (Bäckström & Alamien, 2021). Notably, micro-dosing of hallucinogenic drugs has grown into a medically popular drug. Several motions and bills have been subjected into the congress and the senate to legalize the drug for medical operations, which up to this date seem to bear the fruit. However, little scientific evidence and literature contain research concerning the practices. The limited reports on the medical operations associated with micro-dosing and the experiences of the micro-dozers make drug legalization difficult. Nevertheless, the use of hallucinogens in small quantities like the psilocybin Mushroom improves moods by inducing mental stimulations, encouraging creative and critical thinking. As such, boredom, stress, and anxiety are broken when a limited amount of the drug is inject ...
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