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Colegio De San Gabriel Arcangel
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39. The synonym of the word ferocious: a ferocious animals a. jungle b. fame c. fierce d. wild e. favorite 48. The synonym of the word morose: a morose boy a. sullen b. cheerful c. naughty d. musical 40. The synonym of the word taciturn: a taciturn student a. talkative b. mischievous c. intelligent d. popular e. stubborn 49. The synonym of the word candid: candid statement a. sweet b. humourous C. short d. frank e. remarkable 41. The synonym of the word eminent: an eminent scientist a. experienced b. technical C. practicing d. well-known e. lovable 50. The synonym of the word comely: a comely young lady a. pretty b. plain c. homely d. satisfied e. honorable 42. The synonym of the word cursory: after a cursory reading a. previous b. casual c. attentive d. disturbed e. poring 51. The synonym of the word bondage: of human bondage a. ingenuity b. depravity c. slavery d. poverty e. ignorance 43. The synonym of the word abundance: abundance of resources a. scarcity b. absence C. wealth d. development 52. The synonym of the word bestow: bestow the honor a collect b. accept C. receive d. give e. thank ...
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