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Colegio De San Gabriel Arcangel
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ENGLISH REVIEWER 1. The antonym of the word grudge: harbor a grudge. a. aversion b. fondness d. force e. drive 10. The antonym of the word grasp: to grasp the point a. seize b. misc C. explain d. instill e. force c. habit 2. The antonym of the word coerce: coerce the people a. oblige b. constrain d. force e. drive 11. The antonym of the word mutinous: the mutinous subjects a. obedient b. generous C. sleeping d. unknowing c. bind 3. The antonym of the word trifling: a trifling request a. unimportant b. inexcusable c. instant d. important e. impossible 12. The antonym of the word adept: adept worker a. skillful b. clumsy c. industrious d. lazy e. bright 4. The antonym of the word eradicate: to eradicate poverty a. exterminate b. demolish c. uproot d. forget e. nourish 13. The antonym of the word gibe: to gibe at another's efforts a. sneer b. rally c. deride d. praise e. mock 14. The antonym of the word frugality: practice frugality a, care b. habit C. economy d. extravagance 5. The antonym of the word luxuriant: the luxuriant garden a. barren b. exuberant wanton d. lovely 15. The antonym of the word lament: to lament ...
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