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Population interactions and community ecology
Question 1
Which of the following is true regarding the characteristics of communities?
I. In marine communities, the red mangrove is a keystone species that provides nursery grounds for snappers.
II. Pisaster ochraceus is a foundation species that regulate the abundance of mussels.
III. Banded tetra is a keystone species that provides nearly all of the phosphorus to the remaining communities in tropical streams.
IV. Dam building beavers are foundation species
III only
I and III
IV only
II and III
Question 2
Name the theory on the concept of climax proposed by Whittaker, which explains the changes of the slope, soil, and other habitat
Post-climax theory
Climax pattern hypothesis
Monoclimax theory
Polyclimax theory
Concepts and reason
The ecosystem is composed of many communities. This community changes in its composition over time is called succession. It is a
unidirectional progressive change in a series of steps that leads to the establishment of a relatively stable climax community. Every
temporary stage in the successional process is the seral stage.
When life starts to gradually move onto bare, lifeless water surface or volcanic rock and establish is called primary succession. If the
woodland is cleared and this bare land is again reclaimed by plants and animals is called secondary succession.
The stages of succession are A. Tolerance: Early-stage is characterized by entry and dominance of r-selected species (eg: weeds)
that live in harsh, abiotic conditions. B. Facilitation: The early plants or animals alters the environment around them which in turn
supports the growth of other k-selected species (eg: trees). C. Inhtheion: The changes in the habitat caused by one species favor
other species and inhibit the growth of the species that caused them (eg: the growth of trees suppressing weed growth).
Throughout succession, the r-selected species is replaced by k-selected species which reduces species richness and forms a stable

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Question 3
What is the boundary of vegetation which separates two biological communities of species?
Community gradient
Concepts and reason
The group of organisms live together and interact with each other in a community called ecological community. During the
interaction, the energy flow transfer from one other to another is called ecological efficiency. In the ecological pyramid, the
energy flow is a transfer from one trophic level to another trophic level. The energy flow is transferred by two types such
as food web and food chain. In the food chain, the energy is transferred by a linear link from one organism to another. The
food web is formed by interlinking between the food chain.
The ecological pyramid consists of producers, consumers, and decomposers. The producer or autotrophic is involved in the
synthesis of their food by photosynthesis. The consumer uptake nutrients for the survival of the producer. The consumer is classified
into three types such as herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. The decomposer consumes dead plants and animals for their
The characteristics of the biotic community consist of species comppposition, dominance, physiognomy, stratification, species diversity, and
ecotone. The stratification in different habitat is classified such as grassland community, forest community, and pond community. In the zone,
two or more communities meet and merge is called an ecotone. It is the boundary of vegetation that sepirates two biological communities of
Question 4
Name the plant’s type which can adapt and grow in low intensity of light and splant’snvironment.
Concepts and reason
The populations live together as a community. Disturbances such as natural calamities (storm, flood, fire, drought), human
activity, or population explosion of particular species interrupt the succession and change a community by destroying
particular species or altering the resource availability.

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Population interactions and community ecology Question 1 Which of the following is true regarding the characteristics of communities? I. In marine communities, the red mangrove is a keystone species that provides nursery grounds for snappers. II. Pisaster ochraceus is a foundation species that regulate the abundance of mussels. III. Banded tetra is a keystone species that provides nearly all of the phosphorus to the remaining communities in tropical streams. IV. Dam building beavers are foundation species III only I and III IV only II and III Question 2 Name the theory on the concept of climax proposed by Whittaker, which explains the changes of the slope, soil, and other habitat factors. Post-climax theory Climax pattern hypothesis Monoclimax theory Polyclimax theory Concepts and reason The ecosystem is composed of many communities. This community changes in its composition over time is called succession. It is a unidirectional progressive change in a series of steps that leads to the establishment of a relatively stable climax community. Every temporary stage in the successional process is the seral stage. Fundamentals When life starts to gradually move onto bare, lifeless wate ...
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