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The Relationship Of Yoga To Health And Illness.

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Florida National University
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The Relationship of Yoga to Health and Illness
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The Relationship of Yoga to Health and Illness
Yoga engages the mind and body with different meditation activities, specific
movements, and breathing to enhance mental and physical well-being. Venkatesh et al.
(2020) indicate that yoga practices are of distinct types and help the body realize an
increased dimension of developing a positive state of health; it associates with the scope of
treating illnesses and helps us comprehend the origin of distinct diseases as garnered. Yoga
can be incorporated as part of an individual's life to attain various efficiencies as gleaned
from the study; it ensures that the population achieves health and avoids illnesses as it gets
considered a form of exercise.
According to Venkatesh et al. (2020), yoga benefits health by enhancing general
wellness. It also facilitates relieving stress and supporting good health habits, and promotes
the scope of emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Generally, it is fundamental to
comprehend that with yoga, individuals stand to live a well-defined life that follows the
distinct health guidelines developed by various health practitioners. Fontaine (2019) shows
that to achieve a balanced lifestyle that involves healthy sleep, reduced pain in the various
body parts, and decreased tension; it is advisable to consider the standard of adopting yoga
as part of your routine.
Yoga not only relates to health; it also incorporates illness through its proliferation
of massaging the internal organs, an activity that facilitates the improvement of the body’s
ability to prevent distinct conditions. Yoga creates a development that facilitates the element
of the body functioning properly and identifying any inconsistencies in case they develop.
It is a proactive dimension that gets deployed to facilitate wading any disease that portends
to develop, as gleaned from the study relating yoga practice with illness control and

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1 The Relationship of Yoga to Health and Illness Student’s Name Institutional Name Course Date 2 The Relationship of Yoga to Health and Illness Yoga engages the mind and body with different meditation activities, specific movements, and breathing to enhance mental and physical well-being. Venkatesh et al. (2020) indicate that yoga practices are of distinct types and help the body realize an increased dimension of developing a positive state of health; it associates with the scope of treating illnesses and helps us comprehend the origin of distinct diseases as garnered. Yoga can be incorporated as part of an individual's life to attain various efficiencies as gleaned from the study; it ensures that the population achieves health and avoids illnesses as it gets considered a form of exercise. According to Venkatesh et al. (2020), yoga benefits health by enhancing general wellness. It also facilitates relieving stress and supporting good health habits, and promotes the scope of emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Generally, it is fundamental to comprehend that with yoga, individuals stand to live a well-defined life that follows the distinct health guidelines develo ...
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