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Green Marketing Revised

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Green Marketing
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Green marketing has attracted many companies and non-governmental organizations since
it effectively pollution issues in the modern era. Due to the advantages associated with green
marketing, global companies such as Microsoft and Virgin Airlines have invested in this sector,
which is core and fundamental to eradicating pollution issues of the world. Levis, a Clothing-
oriented company, takes the lead among the major global companies participating in green
marketing. In this academic paper, the activities of Levis and the comparison of its activities in the
green marketing field with another company will be extensively and intensively analyzed.
Levis has undertaken the following measures in the field of green marketing;
Manufacturing fashionable clothes that last longer and don't pollute the environment
The field of fashion design is core and fundamental to modern society since people want to look
nice, and others judge an individual regarding what they wear. Although many global companies
are attracted to this field, many use materials that take longer to decay; hence they pollute the
environment when their use runs out (Osburg, Davies, Yoganathan & McLeay, 2021). Levis.Inc,
branded as the 'green queen' in the fashion and clothing industry, has taken the initiative to use
materials that decay quickly to manufacture their products. In doing so, Levis has made sure that
the pollution of the environment by its products is low and manageable.
Restricting its production platforms to use of recyclable and natural products
Natural products, as aforementioned, are easier to recycle, more degradable, and do not pollute the
environment. Levis has ensured that its products are made from natural products, a virtue that
ensures low pollution margins are achieved (Osburg, Davies, Yoganathan & McLeay, 2021).
Use of production methods that reduce pollution of the environment in their industries

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1 Green Marketing Student's Name Instructor's Name Institution Course Date GREEN MARKETING 2 Overview Green marketing has attracted many companies and non-governmental organizations since it effectively pollution issues in the modern era. Due to the advantages associated with green marketing, global companies such as Microsoft and Virgin Airlines have invested in this sector, which is core and fundamental to eradicating pollution issues of the world. Levis, a Clothingoriented company, takes the lead among the major global companies participating in green marketing. In this academic paper, the activities of Levis and the comparison of its activities in the green marketing field with another company will be extensively and intensively analyzed. Levis has undertaken the following measures in the field of green marketing; • Manufacturing fashionable clothes that last longer and don't pollute the environment The field of fashion design is core and fundamental to modern society since people want to look nice, and others judge an individual regarding what they wear. Although many global companies are attracted to this field, many use materials that take longer to decay; hence they pollute the environment when their use runs out (Osburg, Davies, Yoganathan & McLeay, 2021). Levis.Inc, branded as the 'green queen' in the fashion and clothing industry, has taken the initiative to use materials that decay quickly to manufacture their products. In doing so, Levis has made sure t ...
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