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Nursing Policies 5

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Running head: NURSING POLICIES 1
Nursing policies

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Nursing policies
The health care sector is vital for the well being of people in the society. Nurses play a
major role in taking care of individual patients, the community and families. The nursing
profession is aimed at ensuring that the patients are in position to recover and have quality lives.
Nurses have regulations which they follow in their day to day activities (Follin & Springhouse
Corporation. 2004). The nursing profession is also guided through some policies that may either
be federal or state policies. The policies were developed with the aim of making health care
better and to ensure that individual, families and the community benefit from provision of quality
services. The policies regulate the way in which nurses assist in taking care of the patients
having in consideration their personal interests.
The Nursing Practice Act consists of state and federal laws that are applied in the nursing
profession in America. The policies focus on all the issues that are related to healthcare issues in
which the nurses get involved. Some of the issues include patient safety, licensing,
reimbursement and health care reform. The policies are applicable in all the health care facilities
where nurses offer their services (Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative
on the Future of Nursing, at the Institute of Medicine., Robert Wood Johnson Foundation., &
Institute of Medicine (U.S.). 2011). In California, the Nursing practice Act has stated some of the
laws that guide the nurses in their day to day duties in the hospitals and other health care
facilities. The Act guides the nurses on how they should handle their responsibilities and
practices. Implementation of any law on the nursing practice is governed by the nursing practice
act in California. The Nursing Practice Act is also updated every year to ensure that the
necessary changes are made in the nursing practice making the nurses have a working
environment that promotes both skills and values.

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Running head: NURSING POLICIES 1 Nursing policies Name Professor Institution Course Date NURSING POLICIES 2 Nursing policies The health care sector is vital for the well being of people in the society. Nurses play a major role in taking care of individual patients, the community and families. The nursing profession is aimed at ensuring that the patients are in position to recover and have quality lives. Nurses have regulations which they follow in their day to day activities (Follin & Springhouse Corporation. 2004). The nursing profession is also guided through some policies that may either be federal or state policies. The policies were developed with the aim of making health care better and to ensure that individual, families and the community benefit from provision of quality services. The policies regulate the way in which nurses’ assist in taking care of the patients having in consideration their personal interests. The Nursing Practice Act consists of state and federal laws that are applied in the nursing profession in America. The policies focus on all the issues that are related to healthcare issues in which the nurses get involved. Some of the issues include patient safety, licensing, reimbursement and health care reform. The policies are applicable in all the health care facilities where nurses offer their services (Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the Institute of Medicine., Robert Wood Johnson Foundati ...
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I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.
