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Focused exam abdominal pain documentation provider notes

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5/28/2018 Focused Exam: Abdominal Pain | Completed | Shadow Health Focused Exam: Abdominal Pain Results | Turned In Advanced Health Assessment - Chamberlain, NR509-April-2018 Return to Assignment Your Results Overview Lab Pass Documentation / Electronic Health Record Transcript Subjective Data Collection Document: Vitals Document: Provider Notes Objective Data Collection Education & Empathy Documentation Document: Provider Notes Student Documentation Model Documentation Self-Reflection Subjective Miss Park is a 78 year old female of Korean to send date of birth Jan 17. CC Miss Park States" I have some pain in my belly and I am having difficulty going to the bathroom my daughter was worried about me." C: pain in belly with difficulties going to the bathroom, dull crampy feeling. 6/10 on pain sacele O: 5 days ago, gradual, constant and bloating L: lower belly, entire bellly D: constant pain E: moivng and eating , has missed both of her exercise classes and states " never misses her exercise classes." R: resting helps a little but no real relief, sips of warm water a friend suggested not helping R: patient has not tried any medication, aggravated with eating and physical activity also reports low energy level, a dull crampy feeling a 6 out of 10 on the Pain Scale. A: Bowel movement noted a few days ago was diarrhea, denies any history of constipation. Reports having diarrhea about 2 to 3 days ago sudden onset lasting one day, record very loose and watery: normal no ...
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